Monday, August 25, 2008

Engagement pics!

This past weekend Kevin and I got dressed up all pretty like and had our engagement pictures taken. We have a good friend who is a professional photographer here in Chicago and he was kind enough to take them for us - for free! How lucky are we? We didn't do anything super fancy and actually picked our outfits out day of, but I really like how they turned out. We went to union station and then down by the lake so some of the pictures actually look fake because the background is so gorgeous. Here are a few for your enjoyment...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The line-up

Well now that I am back in the blogging world I thought I would introduce you all to my ladies! Here is the official line-up:
Sister - This one is easy enough, she is my sister and now my maid of honor! Super creative and helpful when it comes to the wedding planner, I think we have a possible business between the two of us! Everyone give KT a round of applause for dealing with me up until this point.
Ash- We lived together after we graduated from college and bonded over our boyfriends (now, fiances) living in another city! She gets bonus points for living in Smalltown, MO and still being fashionable and happy! One day I will be asking her to provide me with xanax so my kids don't drive me crazy (she is going to be a pharmacist so it is legal).
B - Childhood friend and partner in crime (we had some gooooood times at her house in high school - sorry mom!)! She has definitely known me the longest (well, besides my mom and sister) and is probably the most generous/selfless person I know. Ask her the joke about the turtle on the fencepost...
Mrs.G - We lived on the same floor our freshman year of college and were brought back together when we both moved to Chicago! Mrs. G, her husband and her dog were all my roommates at my first real place in Chicago before my (now, former) lady roommates moved in. I am her official puppy sitter.
Klowe - She lived next door to me second semester sophomore year and then with me every year until she moved to NYC (single tear). She was definitely my college partner in crime and is known for "bringing her dancing shoes" so she will be someone to watch for on the reception dance floor!
LT - Another one of my roomies from senior year and for the past two years. Has great words of wisdom for every situation and a mean beer bong so everyone will be asking her for pointers at the bachelorette party.
Na$e - My other partner in crime from high school (sorry again, mom)! Has the best stories and laugh and will keep you entertained for hours! She might be the only person I can say is almost as strange as I am...

There are still some other people we are going to ask to be involved in other ways so I will introduce them once we ask them!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another one bites the dust...

I thought you all would like to know that MY SISTER GOT ENGAGED! Now my parents get to have two weddings about four months apart because she is thinking Labor Day weekend 09! Wahooo for sister and cuatro!

Bad, bad blogger

I have been a bad, bad blogger lately. Things have started slowing down with the wedding stuff since I have a lot of the big pieces completed so I haven't really had much to share with you. Well that, and I have been really busy at work so I haven't been able to think straight!

Now let me get you caught up on what has been happening so far... I am going home over Labor Day weekend and will meet with the cake lady we are using and a couple florists. I am hoping to choose one while I am at home so I can have that all taken care of! This weekend our friend who is a professional photographer in Chicago is taking engagement pictures for the two of us so now I am on the hunt for the perfect outfit...