Thursday, May 22, 2008

Who knew?

Well it's official (as if it wasn't already)! Mr. Smith and I met with the priest on Sunday to start the process we have to go through with the Catholic Church in order to get married. All I have to say is "wow", there is a lot more we have to do than I ever expected. I basically thought we met with the priest, went to a pre-cana class, and then "tada!" we were ready to get married. Apparently I was wrong! On top of doing those things we each need to have two people fill-out a witness form (I don't even want to tell you the questions on it), meet with a "sponsor couple" and take a personality test! Does anyone else think this is strange? I mean we are already engaged and planning a wedding, what happens if we aren't "compatible" in the eyes of the Catholic Church? I guess we better start studying...


Beth said...

holy god! that bell tower brings back memories. i remember when they used to make us go outside on a blustery winter day in our scant school uniforms and we'd try to cluster in the corners of the bell tower to block the wind. I guess if you can survive that you can survive Rite Wedding Boot Camp! :)

shi(f)t said...

you catholics are nutso...i'm crossing my fingers you get a fun sponsor couple!:)